Mauro Arrighi
italian artist
Mauro Arrighi
italian artist
© 2012 Mauro Arrighi
Between 2001 and 2007 I have been professor at the Academy of Fine Arts of Venice in Italy.
I exhibited and gave keynotes worldwide:
the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz (Austria), the International Biennales of Art and Architecture of Venice (Italy), the Victory Media Network in Dallas (USA), the New Media Fest in Cologne (Germany), the Pantheon Gallery in Nicosia (Cyprus), the Kurye Video Org in Istanbul (Turkey), the Video and New Media Art festival in Ljubljana (Slovenia), the Netherlands Media Art Institute in Amsterdam (Netherlands), the Kyoto University (Japan), the Universidad de Salamanca (Spain), the PechaKucha night in Kyoto (Japan), the Softopia in Ogaki (Japan), the “ich-machine” in Oldenburg (Germany), the Pantaloon Art Gallery in Osaka (Japan), SoundLAB in Cologne (Germany), the “Pacitti Company” in Padova (Italy), the Art Kontakt Festival in Porto Palermo - Himara (Albania), the Art Fair in Padua (Italy), Officyna Art Space in Szczecin (Poland), the Centre for Contemporary Expressions in Rosario (Argentina), the Circuito Off in Venice (Italy), the Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa in Venice (Italy), the Future Film Festival in Bologna (Italy), the Mestre Film Festival in Mestre (Italy), the A+A art gallery in Venice (Italy), the Centro Arti Contemporanee Luigi Pecci in Prato (Italy), the Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art in Turin (Italy), the Milan Art Fair in Milan (Italy), the "Arezzo Wave" in Padua (Italy) and the Tokyo Polytechnic University (Japan).